Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 33 – June 25, 2012

Hi family --

Can y'all believe another week has gone by? I can't. Time here is slipping by so quickly! It's kinda crazy, because when you realize that the transfer is half over, and things that you thought would be happening aren't really happening, it sort of lights a fire under your butt to keep you going and keep you working hard. God brought me here for some reason, so I've got to go and figure it out!

We're still so excited for Aida. Yesterday we really started working with the ward to begin planning her baptism. We are certain that it will happen in July, we just have to confirm with her what day she can, and if all of the commitments we have extended (all of the scary big ones lots of people have problems with) are going okay. I actually had a really interesting experience teaching Aida this week. On Thursday we exchanged with our district leader, so I was working the Spanish area with an English elder. We were planning on teaching Aida a big commandment -- one that's serious and important and critical for baptism. So I'm the only one teaching, since I'm the only Spanish speaker, and we're cruising through a pamphlet, everything is going fine. We sort of get to the end of the pamphlet, and this thought popped into my head: "You skipped one little super critical part." Because I paid attention to that poke the Spirit gave me, I know that she has been taught that commandment in full, and we actually had a really good conversation about the point that the Spirit told me to bring up. In the last two weeks I have really learned a lot on account of meeting and teaching Aida. I've learned more fully of the power of fasting, and I've learned more fully how the Spirit will poke at us and give us ideas and ever so often give us directions that are clear-as-day to keep us going where we need to be going. She has been prepared for this gospel, and God knew that I would learn a lot from working with her. She has such tremendous faith, and a real desire to do good and follow God. And she's just super lovable. And she's already in Mosiah in the Book of Mormon, so it's clear that she's got the desire to be doing this. :)

I had another neat experience this week with Rodrigo and Esbida, and it was actually the same day as Aida. We're sitting with Rodrigo and Esbida, and I'm still the only Spanish speaker. We had planned on teaching them the first half of the Plan of Salvation (gigantic lesson, it has to be in two parts for it not to bore people to death). We talked for a long time about different things, how they were feeling, had they been reading and praying, etc. And as we finished chit-chatting, I just didn't think the Plan of Salvation was going to do anything for them right then, plus, we spent so much time talking that we didn't have enough time for a big lesson. I suggested we read a chapter in the Book of Mormon, and without thinking, the words "Alma chapter 32" fell out of my mouth. I swear, I had not thought for one second what we ought to read, but somehow I said that. And they ended up loving the chapter. It's all about nourishing our seeds of faith, so I told them that they can only taste of the awesome fruit of the gospel by nourishing their seed of faith! Let it take root and grow through diligent reading, prayer, and church attendance! If the fruit doesn't taste good to you, you can leave the tree to die. But no one thinks the gospel tastes bad, so I know they won't do that. :) But it was another experience where I felt like God was pointing me where we needed to go for them. It is not always like that. I wish it was effortless to just open your mouth and what comes out is inspired like it had been in reading Alma 32 with them. But I can't go wrong if I try my best and do all I can to be a good missionary. I'm sure of that.

Things are going fine here in Clarksville. We have zone conference tomorrow, so we are really excited about that. I love to learn from President and Sister Woodbury, and to visit with all of the other missionaries. And it's kinda fun to talk to the other Spanish missionaries and know that the English ones are listening, trying to understand what we're saying. Hahaha. I guess that's not very kind. Haha.

Anyway, we're doing good! Doing our best here!

Have a good week, everyone!


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