Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 28 - May 21, 2012

Hi family --

It's good to hear y'all are doing good. For the first time ever more than one of us is living outside of the state of Arizona, since I'm out here and Kyle is in Europe. Haha.

Anyway, we had a good week here in Clarksville. We had a really cool appointment with a couple named Agustin and Gabby earlier in the week. We knocked their a while back and she said come back on a Tuesday or Wednesday. We couldn't come back those days, so we popped in on a Friday. They told us they had waited for us to come back on Tuesday or Wednesday! Most everyone just forgets about the missionaries, so you treasure the people that say they await your return! So we set up an appointment and saw them early last week. Turns out that the night before we knocked, they had prayed together and asked that God give them more direction and guidance in their lives. What more can you ask for -- people that want direction! And God sends it a day later! So we had a good restoration lesson, and they were open to it all. The sad part -- they are putting a deposit down on a place up in Indianapolis. They are moving as soon as they can. So we are so bummed about that. But we're going to keep teaching as much as we can because we know that the missionaries in the Indianapolis mission are going to love working with these people. It seriously was so fun to tell them, "We are the answer to that prayer -- I know that it wasn't a coincidence that we knocked on your door the very next day!" God listens to us. Little do we know how the answers will come!

We also saw Rodrigo and Esbida yesterday. They are cool, and totally committed to baptism! :) We have lots of obstacles to overcome -- she works every Sunday, like most Hispanics. He doesn't, and it's so atypical to meet a Hispanic with a set work schedule. But I reckon that's just another sign that they are ready. He speaks good English and has Sundays off. There aren't many more qualities that will set someone up for success in the gospel in the States that those two things! So we are still excited for them. And excited is kind of an understatement. Oh, and they always happen to have food on the stove when we come by, so I've eaten lots of tasty Mexican food the last two weeks. Haha. And get this, I'm acquiring a taste for spicy salsa. Who'd have thought the picky eater I was would actively choose spicy salsa! Hahaha. Miracles do happen!

Another fun thing we get to do here in Clarksville is go to these way cool Firesides in the mission home. They have one each month in English, and one in Spanish. So we went last night with the Bisoso family (seriously the coolest family ever). They spoke about their conversion and why the gospel is so important to them. Afterwards there was a testimony meeting, and it was really amazing. My favorite was from a lady that was baptized last week in Louisville. She is so excited, and so clearly feels the difference that the truths of the gospel have made in her life. It was way cool. The funny thing to me was that we also had one of those testimonies. You know the one -- the one that is way too long, and just goes no where. Apparently awkwardness knows no bounds when it comes to languages. But it was still an awesome meeting, and I hope one day we can get investigators to go. Several people told us they would come, but nobody showed. :/  There's always next month, I guess. Anyway, I'm looking forward to being in the Louisville metro area because of stuff like the firesides.

I can't think of much else specifically that has happened this week. I did really enjoy speaking to several of the other missionaries that came to the fireside yesterday. I had served near some of them in my previous area, and they commented on how much my Spanish has progressed, so that's always nice to hear! I am seeing my progress a little better now that I'm not using senior companions as crutches and safety nets. I'm also mortified of coming to situations I've never encountered, or where I have to take control, but I guess you never learn if you don't have those awkward and trying moments.

Things are good. It's so weird that it's been 8.5 months. That in a few weeks it'll have been a year since I opened my call. That I occasionally start writing in Spanish in my journal on accident, or start to answer other elders in Spanish, but they only speak English. Haha. Funny life experiences, right? And I wouldn't trade them for anything. :)

Thanks for all you do for me!

Much love,

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