Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Email from September 10, 2011

Hey everyone!
Well, today is my third full day. We have a half-Pday today, so we're doing laundry right now. Expect my letters to be on Thursdays, because that's when my real Pday is. Also, I wrote a letter to you guys the first night. I hope you get it today!

Anyway, things here are good! It's crazy being busy every single minute of every single day, but I think that's really good for kids that haven't ever lived away (I can't think too much about you guys because I'm so busy), but also because that's what real mission life is! The curbside Elder that helped me was so nice, and that immediately made me feel a lot better about being here. Also, that one suitcase with the bum wheels? So bad. So. Bad. But I don't know if it's worth getting a new one since the next time I use it I'll barely need to roll it anywhere.

So, the curbside Elder took me to my room and then to my classroom. I met my companion, Elder S. He's going to my mission! He's way cool, and I knew right away that I'd like him. However... my teachers thought that I was good enough at Spanish to move up to the Intermediate class from Beginning! Crazy! So I got new companions and moved rooms so I could be in Intermediate Spanish. My comps were Elders Mand G. They're nice. It's hard to do things in a group of 3 sometimes, but I wasn't companions with them for long, because another Elder, Elder E, moved up from Beginning too! Now he and I are companions, and the four of us share a room. This all happened by the beginning of the second day, so it was really a whirlwind for the first 18 hours or so (and 8 of those were sleeping!).

Spanish is good. It's really intense, and the first day gave me a crazy panic attack. Like, I wanted to go back to beginner, I wanted to go somewhere English speaking, everything. But I'm pushing through, and it's really getting so much better, even with one day of studying and some encouragement from my companion, district, and my Patriarchal blessing.

We try really hard to only speak the language (which doesn't really happen... ever.). My teacher knows a lot about Espanol, and he served in Peru and Bolivia (two countries because of visa complications). We have already taught our progressing investigator, Victor, twice. He is very nice, and he and his wife are expecting their first kid. We taught him about the Apostasy and Restoration, as well as extended and invitation to read and pray about José Smith to know if all of it is good and true. The Spanish with him is rough, but he is so nice when we ask him, "mas despacio, por favor." (More slowly, please.)

The Spirit really helps direct my Spanish and makes me feel comfortable(ish) as we talk in class and with Victor. It's exciting to be around people that are enthusiastic about the Gospel and about Spanish. My district is really great, and I'm having a lot of fun getting to know them. We're from all over, a lot of us are going to different places. There are four of us in the district that are going somewhere inside the US. Two to Vegas East, and one to Albuquerque. Three are going to the Dominican Republic, and they leave in 3 weeks for the MTC in that country. That would be kinda scary!

I've run into Ali Hayes, from the Institute, and Brette Hoyt. It was really fun to see faces I knew! I haven't seen Shane yet, so I think I might have to get his address from you guys and send it on to him, since he leaves next week.

It's still a tiny bit overwhelming but I'm getting campus, my Spanish is progressing, and I already really want to help Victor find what's missing in his life!

God is so good. He's helping me feel comfortable here, and is helping me learn more and more all the time. I'm excited to keep becoming a better person and a better missionary. I was reading the White Handbook today, and it referenced Doctrine and Covenants, section 11. It made me really excited about everything. :)

I appreciate all of your love! Getting 6 cards was super tender, even if it made me look like a Mama's Boy. Hahahaha. I loved it though. Keep the letters coming! I already love getting mail, and I haven't even gotten that much!

You guys are the best! I love you!

(aka, Elder Baker)

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