Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 8 - November 3, 2011

Wow. I leave Utah on Monday. That's nuts! But I'm also so excited. I thought I was dying or something when I first came to the MTC. I felt like my life was over. When I stopped being a baby and realized it was actually a great place, then I started thinking about the field. I thought I was dying again. I was going to have to give up everything that I was used to in Utah. But the more I think about it, the more I'm excited to go. I'm not dying. I'm actually becoming a missionary. It freaks me out a little bit too, but I'm really anxious to go and do real work, and talk to real people.

Things here have been going well. We're a little distracted since we've got travel plans, two sisters didn't get their visas for Argentina so they're delayed a week, etc. It just seems like we've got a lot going on, even though we should still be learning Spanish and teaching skills. After 8 weeks of the exact same thing you do get a little pooped out though.

Last week we went to "In-field Orientation," where they teach you all sorts of stuff, like goal setting (for numbers of lessons, investigators, etc.), increasing your faith, helping create strong commitments in others, etc. It was good, but it was all day long. Seriously, it was 10 hours long on Friday. But it was also really good.

Hosting went well yesterday. It's kind of emotional to watch families say goodbye to their kids. I love you guys, but I'm glad we were pretty fast about it. Some people linger at the curb for like, 10 or 15 minutes! Also, none of my Elders got lost this week. They changed the procedure (possibly because of my Elder that got lost last week... haha), so that you escort them everywhere. Anyway, all of my Elders were really excited about being here and learning and becoming missionaries. I was definitely a deer in the headlights when I showed up, so props to them.

I don't have much else to say. Things are going well. Sometimes it's rough. We don't leave every lesson with a big smile on our faces. We aren't bilingual (yet, anyway). But almost everyday God puts something in my day that reminds me that I'm where I'm supposed to be. Our teachers are especially great, and they always have the perfect mission story or scripture to share with us when we are frustrated. Hermano W has a friend that is taking the lessons in Texas. He gave her name to the Sister missionaries at Temple Square, and it's been so fun to get updates on how she's doing. We all wrote her letters of encouragement. We feel like she's our investigator too, since we've been hearing about her changes and how excited she is to learn. She's getting baptized on Nov 19th. Hearing that made us all so excited to get out and do the work.

Sorry there isn't much to my letter today. I'm doing well. I love hearing from you all every week. Thanks for your love and support!


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